Tsyklon Labs Outreach for April 2016

Happy April everyone! Spring has sprung in the mid-Atlantic of the USA, and with that, new module designs have been birthed. Apologies for missing a March newsletter.

Let’s start things off with the Chaos Divider. We have assembled the first 10 modules and are very close to shipping. The panels for all of the KOSMODROM modules are powder coated which are then screen printed. I had many failed attempts at making my own screens, so I have contracted a professional to make them for me. So in order to move things along, we made some temporary panels so that we can get the Limited Edition Pre-Orders on the road. In fact, the proud owners of the Limited Edition Chaos Dividers and CD Sputniks will have their units shipped on Tuesday, April 26. Here’s a peek at a completed “stickered” panel unit:


The screen printed panels will look the same, but without the outline of a sticker. As always, feel free to follow along with the build process on Instagram. Also, we are working on a couple of alternate panels for the Chaos Divider and CD Sputnik. We can’t wait to show them off!

On the Chaos Divider DIY front, we have made arrangements for 50 Chaos Divider kits to go to a pair of distributors – 25 to one in Europe, and 25 to one in the USA. More on that when they ship.

Second, we have ordered more xProtolab scopes to make a second run of our PLITKA 1U TRACE Oscilloscopes. The first batch sold out in a few days, so if you missed it, get your order in now. We have 16 PLITKA TRACEs available as well as 4 PLITKA TRACE COMPLETEs (The TRACE Oscilloscope and both TRLOGIC modules). Get them here:

PLITKA TRACE – Tsyklon Labs’ Storenvy Shop

Third, our first two STARDOG pedals will be pedal versions of the LAIKA and the BELKA & STRELKA. We are working on releasing them along side of their Eurorack counterparts. The only thing to say at this is – “SOVTEK Knobs”

Fourth, lots of progress in prototype land for some new products and we will be taking lots of new stuff to Knobcon 5 this year. Aside from a new KOSMODROM module, we have been working on three new PLITKA tiles:


Word of note, the PLITKA BEGET (buffered mult) has been renamed “REPLICANT”. We have also been developing a few modules for our new COMRADE line of 3U Eurorack modules. COMRADEs will be 2 to 4HP in size, DIY friendly, all through hole component designs – AND Open Source Hardware. Speaking of Open Source Hardware, aside from getting all the files you need from the PLITKA or COMRADE pages, you can also order PCBs directly from OSHPark:

Tsyklon Labs’ OSHPark Profile

That is all for now! As always, thank you very much for your support. Spasibo!

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